Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break

 Kyle's Spring Break and my Spring Break did not line up to one another this year, but we still managed to at least take a 3-day weekend off together and head down to Marco. Somehow, it just so happened that it was also the same exact time when my grandma, aunt and uncle would be coming down to visit from Michigan as well. I don't think we could have timed it all better ourselves!

 The weekend was mainly spent relaxing by the pool, playing catch up on all of my family and cousins living up north, spending time with my grandma, laughing at Jack, swimming, and eating....all of the things we do best.

I made a point of making sure that we went to the beach when we were there. Ever since Jack began to walk, I have been dying to bring him back there to see his cute self walk around. We got there about an hour or so before sundown, so it wasn't that hot and crowded. I brought plenty of toys with us and spared no time digging in the sand, walking along the shore, and laughing as he would get freaked out about the waves coming up to him. It was a riot. It was a shame we weren't there for longer, but I know he will looking forward to our next beach trip.

Since it was only 3 days, it was horribly short of a trip...especially because the weather was perfect, the company was special, and we were all aching for a little vacation.
It was a great little trip though.
I am looking forward to our next trip to PA for my sister's wedding so we can spend more time with Grandma and more of the family.

It's Kyle's Spring Break in a few weeks, maybe we can head out to the East coast shoreline...

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